Attachée : L’amour de la femme-amour
Feelings can be written on a page, like marks remain on a body. As long as something is not written, it is an invisible mark, an inner scar, and that is an itch even more cruel than the burning on the skin, the stretch mark of childbirth, the fold of the kissing lip, the rope that has TIED for too long.
Line Nault – author, book production
Janicke Morissete – book production
Daniel Canty – book production, additional text
Alexandre Burton – additional text
Olivier Choinière – additional text
Alexandre St-Onge – additional text
The creation of this book was made possible through financial support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.
Edited by Recto-Verso productions.
Printed by Éric Leblanc at Transcontinental.
Available in the following libraries:
Québec: Recto-Verso (in-store and online), La chambre Blanche & Librairie Pantoute
Montreal: Le port de tête & La Galerie Clark
[2012, book, 92 pages]
The book Attachée: L’amour de la femme-amour (Tied: The love of the love-woman) is based on the show and installation Attachée, a multidisciplinary work of art created by Line Nault and produced by Recto-Verso in 2012.